Tuesday (11/18/08, 8:30 Eastern) is going to be our Next Official EFHRN (Elite Forgers Halo Race Night). Prior to the race will be a practice session held anywhere from 4:00 to 8:00. This all will be held by me and the rules are simple.
1. Fill out this form:
Age -
Elite Forgers Nametag -
Gamertag -
Time Availible (Est Time) and Time Zone (
Time Zones) -
Do you have the Heroic MP -
Do you have the Legendary MP -
Do you have a working* mic -
Have you read our Terms of Agreement -
2. Submit this as a reply to this post.
3. Only the first 8 people can race, Any others will either watch from the observe towers or be replacements incase of an absence.
4. Keep in touch.
If you submit you are agreeing to everything in the following statement:"I realize that EFHRN is a community event that is run by the Elite Forgers Staff for the benefit of the community. Since the event is to benefit the community I agree that I will be respectful to the host and all members who are present in the room. I also realize that gameplay must be playable at all times to preserve the sanctity of the event. Seeing this I agree that if my connection was to drop into a poor state that causes the playability of the game to drop and lag to ensue that I will leave the game without complaint. The other players should not have to suffer under lag conditions due to my failing connection. In addition I will respect any other decisions made by the room host."