This coming up Monday (7/21/08, 6:00 Eastern) is going to be our First Official EFRN (Elite Forgers Race Night). This will be held by me and the rules are simple.
1. Fill out this form:
Age -
Elite Forgers Nametag -
Gamertag -
Time Availible (Est Time) and Time Zone (
Time Zones) -
Do you have the Heroic MP -
Do you have the Legendary MP -
Do you have a working* mic -
Have you read our Terms of Agreement -
2. Submit this as a reply to this post.
3. We will fill out who will be in the Races and at what time they will occur. Then I will post an announcement. Keep in touch.
If you submit you are agreeing to everything in the following statement:"I realize that EFRN is a community event that is run by the Elite Forgers Staff for the benefit of the community. Since the event is to benefit the community I agree that I will be respectful to the host and all members who are present in the room. I also realize that gameplay must be playable at all times to preserve the sanctity of the event. Seeing this I agree that if my connection was to drop into a poor state that causes the playability of the game to drop and lag to ensue that I will leave the game without complaint. The other players should not have to suffer under lag conditions due to my failing connection. In addition I will respect any other decisions made by the room host."